유양기 교수
- [전문분야]
- 후천성 심혈관질환, 말초혈관질환, 인공동정맥루(만성신부전), 하지정맥류
- [전문진료]
- 1. Clinical value of intraoperative transit-time flow measurement for autogenous radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula in patients with chronic kidney disease 2016;35:53-9 Ann Vasc Surg
2. Extracorporeal membrane oxyenation therapy for aspiration pneumonia in a patient following left pneumonectomy for lung cancer 2016;31(2);156-161 Korean J Cri Care Med
3. Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm from left sinus: value of angioscopic view of a 3-dimentional computed tomgraphic angiography 2013:6;156-7 Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
4. Flow characteristics of LIMA radial composite sequential bypass grafting and single LIMA and saphenous vein sequential bypass grafting performed under OPCAB 2012:53;537-44 J Cardiovasc Surg
5. Alternative salvage technique during a postcardiotomy electrical storm 2010:58;311-2 Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
6. Fibrous skeleton endocarditis causing septated aneurysm on the anterior mitral leaflet 2010:31;1123 European Heart J
7. Hybrid procedure for a traumatic aortic rupture consisting of endovascular repair and minimally invasive arch vessel transposition without sternotomy 2010:25;142-4 J Korean Medical Science
8. A case of antiphospholipid syndrome presenting with a floating thrombus in the ascending aorta 2009:137;500-2 J Thorac and Cardiovasc Surg
9. Simultaneous repair for aortic incompetence with annuloaortic ectasis and pectus excavatum by modified Ravitch procedure with pectus bars in an adult patient with Marfan syndrome 2009:137;e34-e36 J Thorac and Cardiovasc Surg